Then he pointed the cigar at face after face in a counterclockwise circle around the room, and called off the name of every man there.
He looked about him once again, scrutinizing face after face.
Face after face, dozens of them, coming into focus and fading rapidly.
He turned, looking down the line, noting face after familiar face, underlit by their helmet lights.
The stillness continued; the master searched face after face for signs of guilt.
My eyes tracked face after face along the table, but every face was the same, a mask I couldn?
As classical music plays, we enter slow motion, the lens alighting on face after face.
She saw familiar face after familiar face, but not one of them was a healer.
Slowly she turned to let her eyes play over face after face.
Face after face flowed through the dream, all walking down the hall toward the windows that looked out over the courtyard.