The immediacy was lost; always the same after combat, and that's what this had been, even without the physical side.
After combat at Merv, they were joined by the rest of the regiment.
A study conducted by Unicef after major combat ended in last year's war indicated that even more children have left school to support their families.
After intense combat, this was cleared on 9 October.
Rain or wheat falls from the sky after such combat.
After intense combat that killed more than 1,000 people, insurgents melted back into the broken city, and hundreds of families began to return home.
Creatures with ranged attacks may fire, after movement and close combat, at any creature in range.
Wounded on May 1 1921, he was made prisoner after hard combat and only returned to France in 1922.
Consequently, civilian casualties were high during and after combat.
He blows himself up later on after combat along with General.