The agents named the operation after a reference in Alessa's computer records, in which he had said he and Almonte were "Arabian knights."
The present name was not officially conferred until 1938, but this was done after a reference to the peak in a fur-trader's log.
It is, however, named after a reference to Affrike, or Africa.
After a jocular reference to "the next crimes of Oliviero Toscani," he said, "For us, communication is a product itself."
After a reference to the Government of India, permission was accorded to Mysore, but for a reduced storage of 11TMC.
Becky confronts Kylie after a bad reference that she provided to an adoption agency.
Raymond Weems, Snipe's first postmaster, named Snipe after a facetious reference made about the place by his father's hunting partner.
Vonda Phelps is not mentioned in newspaper articles after a reference to her birthday celebration in April 1928.
'Downtrodden of the Earth' After a passing reference to the Western hostages in Iraq, the Prince implied that there were chauvinistic or racial reasons for the inattention.
The group was originally named after a reference in a cartoon, and was first brought together in 1943 to build the P-80 fighter jet.