Apart from the aforementioned types of symbolic swords, the following individually named swords are noteworthy:
RAs and HAs are required to host a set number of each aforementioned type of event each quarter; most often exceed this requirement.
A period of the recent or distant past serving as the scene of an alien invasion of one of the aforementioned types.
It can be of any of the aforementioned types.
It stands, unlike the aforementioned types, with its longer side facing the slope, from where the silage is also trasnported.
If the hair length touches the collar, the hair must be tied into the aforementioned types of plaits.
But the most common link that Mr. Osborne's art has with the aforementioned type is its meditative quality.
Examples of the aforementioned types of metamaterials are provided and their known and anticipated properties are described.
Enlightened disciples attain Nirvana as do the two aforementioned types of Buddhas.
Type A + B is found in areas where the aforementioned types apparently intergrade in southwestern Arkansas and northern Louisiana.