Women can barely afford food or medicine, and the idea of having anything nice is just a dream.
They argue that poor countries often cannot afford vital medicine.
Get in touch with Medicaid, a government program that may be able to help you afford medicine and medical treatment.
Some drug companies have programs that help people who can't afford medicine.
A difference like this could mean that the lucky retiree can afford both food and medicine while the unlucky one must choose between them.
The ill die because they cannot afford surgical gloves or medicine, which hospitals do not have.
And together we will make sure that senior citizens never have to cut their pills in half because they can't afford life-saving medicine.
He cannot afford medicine for his sick baby, and the child dies.
By one 1999 estimate, at least 20,000 cancer patients die annually because they cannot afford medicine.
But since her husband was deported, she has struggled to find work and often cannot afford food or medicine for her young children.