Several details have yet to be worked out, and questions remain about whether enough affordable plans can be created to allow everyone to afford coverage.
These proposals, taken as a whole, will raise the cost of health insurance and probably lead to fewer people being able to afford coverage.
Before the program, she and her husband, a songwriter, could afford only catastrophic coverage with a $1,000 deductible.
The reality is that under health reform, millions of young people will be entitled to tax credits to help them afford coverage.
Those who still cannot afford coverage will qualify for a hardship waiver.
In some cases their employers do not provide it, and they cannot afford coverage on their own.
I hid behind similar logic when I couldn't afford coverage.
Then he added, on a more serious note, that some self-employed musicians cannot afford adequate medical coverage.
So anybody who can't afford coverage can either stay healthy or die quickly.
People who claim they cannot afford coverage under the new system could apply for a waiver.