The church "affirms the unique value of all human life" from the "moment of conception".
The referendum was held on a draft constitution that affirmed Somalialand's independence from Somalia as a separate state.
He spoke at a news conference where he affirmed points from his U.N. speech.
This practice is a wonderful opportunity to affirm pastoral leaders from many different backgrounds, and it manifests the freedom of worship we enjoy across our nation.
Periodisation is not uniformly applied through time and space, affirming the claims of Eurocentrism from regional historians.
This, I affirm, from the infirmities of human understanding, to be altogether incomprehensible and unknown to us.
But the new report affirms similar results from several smaller studies in the past decade suggesting that setting does matter.
In more authoritarian times, however, the fable was taken to affirm direction from the center.
Fourth, a resolution was adopted to affirm the definition of marriage from Scripture and the Confessions as being between a man and a woman.
But this does not authorize the rational psychologist to affirm, from mere conceptions, its permanence beyond life.