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He felt an early affinity with the light of the local people.
In a way, he felt an affinity for the city.
The only thing the two have in common is an affinity for money.
Also, at a young age he had an affinity to learning.
And if they had an affinity for each other, that was too bad.
"There are something like 2,000 different affinity programs in the country."
He showed an affinity for students in the public administration programs.
It could not be said that he had an affinity with children.
What was here had no affinity for the star things.
I have, as you may guess, an affinity for such things.
The affinity of art and industry is familiar news by now.
So it's only natural that we have an affinity for history.
He felt an affinity, and wanted to take the conversation further.
You would have to feel some sort of a pull, an affinity.
They use groups like the police, because every normal American has an affinity toward them.
Third, they present no specific affinity to any other population in the world.
There would have to be a mental affinity between them.
There could be an affinity because of that long association.
They tend to feel more affinity with such as we.
He liked her husband, felt an affinity for them both.
In fact, there is little natural affinity between software and media.
France, in particular, has a great affinity for his work.
"It's nice to be able to work on something you have an affinity for."
"My wife has a great affinity for bringing out the best in living things."
We do not even know their language or cultural affinities.