Many college stations in the U.S. also carry syndicated programming, such as that of National Public Radio and affiliated regional networks.
Others Make the Change Most stations made the change quietly and without much difficulty, although over the protest of their affiliated networks.
The city advertising campaign is scheduled to begin on the History Channel and affiliated networks in the spring.
Like Pakistan, Yemen suffers from ungoverned spaces that harbor al-Qaeda and its affiliated networks.
Led by the chief executive, Carlos Ghosn, broke with Japanese tradition and sold stakes it held in an affiliated network of parts makers and other companies.
Programming may originate in their own studios, from an affiliated network, or from external sources.
A portion of the funding flowed through to affiliated provincial environmental networks before it was cancelled in 2011.
An international plan for $140 a month, which includes unlimited use domestically plus 100 megabytes of use on affiliated networks overseas, is available.
Liberty League, an affiliated network for freedom-loving groups across the UK.
It is a loosely affiliated network which welcomes any organization or body interested in similar issues regarding private sector development.