It is the affectionate bond between them that gives them strength to resist.
The affectionate bond that built up between them did not go unnoticed either by Prince Charles nor Mannakee's colleagues.
These twelve days may be his last, but thanks to Mamie Rose, who forms a close and affectionate bond with Oscar, they are to become legendary.
Bowlby's formulations, known as 'attachment theory', suggest a strong causal relationship between the person's early experiences with his parents and his later capacity to make affectionate bonds.
It cemented their relationship, awakening in both an authentic and affectionate bond.
They form a strong and mutually affectionate bond.
Parrots can make excellent companion animals, and can form close, affectionate bonds with their owners.
It is also believed that there was an intellectual and affectionate bond between the elderly man and the young poet.
The story is about the upright lifestyle of Sivagiri and the affectionate bond he has with his sister.
Lucy had been his apprentice as well as his daughter, and the two had shared a deep and affectionate bond.