The department has given high priority to three sites along Jamaica Bay, including two in the Rockaways, though other affected sites are also being considered.
Dogs with limb osteosarcoma typically show lameness and swelling at the affected site.
The initial evaluation involves X-rays of the affected site, but the only way to confirm the diagnosis is by tissue biopsy.
In the case of interstitial brachytherapy, the sources are placed directly in the target tissue of the affected site, such as the prostate or breast.
It takes advantage of the multiple tabs that users use and silently redirects a user to the affected site.
When host cells die, phagocytic cells remove them from the affected site.
In order to protect the Salt pans, emergency work which included building a wooden palisade around the most affected site was carried out.
The infiltration of the affected site can be performed blinded or sonographycally guided, and often needs to be repeated 2 or three times to achieve remission.
But Jamaica Bay may be the largest affected site.
If they do not receive treatment, the affected sites may develop permanent hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation.