Its presence affects the synthesis and regulation of cellular DNA as well as taking part in fatty acid synthesis and energy production.
If confirmed by the Senate, Ms. Chao will probably confront several more mundane, but still controversial, issues affecting regulation of the American workplace.
MeCP2, which is a candidate gene for Rett syndrome, has been shown to affect regulation of expression in 15q11-13.
Intense exercise affects the production and regulation of reproductive hormones involved in the menstrual cycle.
Affect regulation and the origin of the self: the neurobiology of emotional development.
The effects of a secure attachment relationship on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health.
And can Cameron confirm that the treaty would not have affected the qualified majority voting rules affecting financial regulation.
Larger fluctuations in humidity can affect regulation, and even cause parts to crack.
Affect regulation, mentalization and the development of the self.
Power in the family is not just concerned with the formulation and definition of points of view and the claims family members make on one another; it also affects internal regulation.