Whilst being held McCreery was part of a Camp Council that met from time to time in the Maze and in which issues affecting prisoners in the compound were discussed.
Many of its toughest-sounding provisions on the death penalty, for example, would affect few prisoners and many of its more expensive provisions may yet go unfunded, but each side was able to claim a victory tonight.
But some defense lawyers, like Leslie Ballin of Memphis, said there was a possibility that such a change could affect prisoners now incarcerated.
I think sometimes music can affect prisoners in a very deep way.
Some psychiatrists and psychologists have described as "SHU syndrome", a condition which, they say, affects prisoners who spend more than a few months in isolation.
The proposed amnesty would apparently not affect prisoners convicted under statutes not involving religion.
The Honduran amnesty for political crimes affected few prisoners since the army has usually just killed suspected leftist rebels in recent years.
He said the bill would affect too few prisoners and would not expand treatment for addicted drug dealers.
Mental illness affected prisoners traumatised by the sheer brutality of guards.
In addition the organisation makes submissions to government on policy matters affecting female prisoners and their families such as sentencing, Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO) and prison privatisation.