There is some concern that the use of pacifiers can affect the child's teeth so many teats now are a special shape to allow the teeth to form properly, these are called orthodontic teats.
It only means that you must be more conscious of how these foods affect your teeth and more conscientious about cleaning them after you do enjoy those snack chips.
Top 5 Oral Habits Your Teen Should Stop Doing Right Now How does stress affect a teen's teeth?
It also can affect your teeth, causing worn-down tooth enamel, chipped teeth, and more sensitive teeth.
It can occur naturally to such an extent that you are recommended not to use it for your children because it could affect their teeth.
Talk with your dentist, other oral health care specialist, or hygienist about any special conditions in your mouth and any ways in which your medical/health conditions affect your teeth or oral health.
How does stress affect a teen's teeth?