Mild hyponatremia ups the risk of fracture in elderly patients because hyponatremia has been shown to cause subtle neurologic impairment that affects gait and attention, similar to that of moderate alcohol intake.
After extensive tests, a neurotologist diagnosed a vestibular disorder, caused by the blow on the head, of the inner-ear system that affects gait and balance.
It is important that individuals with osteoporosis be aware of any physical changes that affect their balance or gait, and that they discuss these changes with their health care provider.
Previous studies have shown that bunions may affect gait, balance, and increase risk of falls in older people, but researchers speculate that along with these issues, people with severe bunions may report less satisfaction with their lives because they have trouble finding shoes they like to wear.
In 2011, Wagner was diagnosed with Normal pressure hydrocephalus, a type of dementia which affects among other things fine motor skills and gait.
Wheelchair curling is an adaptation of curling for athletes with a disability affecting their lower limbs or gait.
At interactive stations, they can enter changes in an animal's leg muscle mass, posture and center of gravity and observe how this affects the speed and gait of a walking or running T. rex.
These neurological impairments most often affect gait (walking) and attention, and can lead to falls, osteoporosis, and decreased reaction time.
The aim is to determine the genetic mechanisms that lead to focal or asymmetrical brain atrophy resulting in syndromic presentations that affect gait, hand movements (any sort of locomotion), language, cognition, mood and behavior disorders.