The novel can be read as an indictment of a disengaged aesthetic perspective in the context of a world where people have to take sides.
They try to think about this perspective as an aesthetic perspective, without implying uplift, progress, or errancy.
Sembiyan Mahadevi is a visual metaphor yet the most elusive from neuronal and aesthetic perspective.
Skerryvore was Alan Stevenson's greatest achievements from both an engineering and aesthetic perspective.
If the mods consider it good from their aesthetic perspective...
These are among the questions posed by this provocative show and its catalog, one of the first contemporary museum exhibitions to approach children's art from an aesthetic perspective.
From an aesthetic and historical perspective, there is everything to recommend it.
This is perhaps why Camp often faces criticism from other political and aesthetic perspectives.
The program emphasizes the foundations of design from technical and aesthetic perspectives.
His work was universal and offered an aesthetic perspective of Andean culture and people.