Rogan created a line of clothing this year with the U2 singer Bono that, according to the press release, "reflects a marriage of social activism and aesthetic innovation."
And as with almost any aesthetic innovation out of Paris, the Japanese have taken the ball and run with it up to the 50th floor.
Indeed, Aqua is the "iMacification" of Mac OS in terms of both aesthetic innovation and marketing strategy.
Estrima is the only one company having produced a vehicle with a great transparent surface that is an important aesthetic innovation.
The estates also provide exceptional examples of new urban and architectural typologies, featuring fresh design solutions, as well as technical and aesthetic innovations.
His proficiency as an artist and his technical aesthetic innovations enabled him to begin teaching art at Otis Art Institute.
In his preface Mr. Kostelanetz cites his main criterion: "My basic measures of avant-garde work are aesthetic innovation and initial unacceptability."
Kacian's own critical writings elaborate some of these aesthetic innovations.
No one seriously equates classicism with popularity, or aesthetic innovation with the elite; not since Bilbao, anyhow.
Those architects and urban designers who do succeed with corporate clients often do so by sacrificing social responsibility, aesthetic innovation and sometimes just plain good judgment.