He was one of the first to argue for a focus upon aesthetic education within music education.
There was thus a very close connection between moral and aesthetic education in Sukhomlinsky's approach.
Beautiful surroundings made people happier, she said, and she lobbied for the aesthetic education of the lower classes.
They should adapt the need of socialist construction and have full aspects development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic education.
The Long Island homeowner said living in the Wright house has been "an aesthetic education for his children."
He contributed an essay for the exhibition on the topic of Aesthetic Education in China.
This art exhibition was not meant to compete with the horticultural and landscape architectural presentations, but to advocate for the aesthetic education of the viewers.
He was not only devoted to the improvement of his own painting, but also to the promotion of the aesthetic education of the Taiwanese people.
There are two schools of aesthetic education in the village of Onufriivka and Pavlysh.
The poetry of witness has always been a part of the larger project of the aesthetic education of human beings.