What it does do is suggest one aesthetic approach for grappling with the enormity of 9/11.
In the mid-1930s, functionalism began to be discussed as an aesthetic approach rather than a matter of design integrity.
Rather than focusing on realism, the 3D team used an aesthetic approach.
Areas of contention include the aesthetic, legal and medical approaches to people whose bodies are larger than the social norm.
She advocated an aesthetic approach to the study of culture, championing style over content.
Due to their aesthetic approach and past member associations, Puissance are often associated with black metal.
If that requires a lack of aesthetic approach, then so be it.
Without an agreed-upon aesthetic approach, there can be no detailed drawings.
Huizinga had an aesthetic approach to history, where art and spectacle played an important part.
Reviewers began to notice limitations in the troupe s aesthetic approach.