Called to perform military service, it was incorporated on 10 October 1913 at 1 aerospace group to Versailles.
As the stock market averages have hit new highs, the aerospace group has declined.
Though the aerospace group has won about $250 million in new contracts since the disaster, some big projects have slipped away.
"We had some people not following instructions," said Mr. Garrison, the head of the aerospace group.
Q: Why did you want to spin off the commercial operations from the aerospace group?
Mr. Binder said the aerospace group could be worth $650 million.
The aerospace group, for example, will take over all payroll operations.
Each group would be paid mostly in new stock, except for $62 million set aside for the aerospace group.
He joined the firm after graduation, and "in 1967 the aerospace group got hot," he said.
Bombardier has slowly been integrating de Havilland's operations into its aerospace group.