(Most aerobics programs for women now emphasize weights to develop power and strength.)
In addition to declaring her faith in God, she promised to participate in a required aerobics program.
A. It must be done in conjunction with, not in place of, a primary aerobics program.
Gin Miller, one of two Atlanta fitness experts who pioneered step training, developed the idea after injuring a knee five years ago in a high-impact aerobics program.
State broadcasting began each day with the national anthem and an aerobics program.
Fought With Little Movement Tubbs's midsection was fleshy and gave him the look of a man in the early stages of an aerobics program.
Next week: Starting an aerobics program at a health club.
You'll achieve much more by using this effective eating plan and intensive stretching and aerobics programme that will soon become a way of life.
Equinox Fitness Club, another growing giant, recently scooped up Mr. Martin for its aerobics program.
BodyAttack is a commercial group-fitness aerobics program including some sports-derived movements, aimed primarily at developing cardiovascular fitness.