In support of PETA, she appeared in an advertisement for them, advocating vegetarianism, in a dress made entirely of vegetables.
Furthermore, organizations such as PETA have criticized Gore for not advocating vegetarianism.
But for a group selling T-shirts advocating vegetarianism and concern for the environment it was clear that the Expo lacked a central moral vision.
She advocated vegetarianism.
Mohandas Gandhi, James Bevel, and other nonviolent proponents advocated vegetarianism as part of their nonviolent philosophy.
She published The Perfect Way in Diet (1881), advocating vegetarianism, and in the same year founded the Food Reform Society.
Her writings covered theology, evangelism, Christian lifestyle, education and health (she also advocated vegetarianism).
He has advocated vegetarianism and has a yearly practice of ransoming the lives of thousands of animals in India.
The band and its members advocated straight edge, vegetarianism and veganism, and they were all animal rights supporters, but vocalist Rob Fusco no longer is.
Cowherd advocated vegetarianism as a form of temperance and was one of the philosophical forerunners of the Vegetarian Society.