For this exact reason, many people (including me, fwiw) were advocating reducing public spending in the run up to the crash.
Some US senators advocate reducing subsidies for corn based ethanol.
Some critics advocate reducing varsity athletics to club sports.
For instance, in 1726, John Colson advocated reducing expressions to "small numbers", numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
He also urged the development of a comprehensive water plan and advocated reducing property taxes on the homes of the elderly.
He advocated reducing the separation of church and state, arguing for the government subsidy of mosques in order to encourage Islamic integration into French society.
Unlike some thinkers, Mr. Norman does not advocate reducing the role of information technologies in the office.
The party advocated reducing immigration to Australia and was associated with the far right of Australian politics.
Alan Greenspan advocated reducing bank regulations.
You cannot advocate reducing the voting age to sixteen and still say that an eighteen-year-old should not be fingerprinted.