Mr. Bush and his advisers appear to be tailoring attacks to appeal to different parts of the state.
In meeting with Mr. Arafat's emissary, the president's advisers appear to be undermining the president's declared intent.
But most polls here indicate that Mr. Salinas will have to struggle to reach the 60 percent that he and his advisers appear to have made their goal.
That loyalty among the rank and file may help explain why the senator's advisers do not appear to be very troubled by the protests erupting on the left, loud and persistent though they may be.
Senior advisers to President Bush have said they will recommend a veto if the bill passes, and there appear to be enough votes against the bill in the Senate to sustain such a veto.
Still, the advisers appeared amid evidence of waves of angst among party leaders.
Their chief ally and adviser appears to be the Rev. Al Sharpton of Brooklyn, who has helped generate publicity for the case.
The contras' American advisers appear to have been far less expert in the art of guerrilla war.
But she had barely begun unpacking when the dorm's resident adviser appeared and told her to stop.
For all that, the arrival of the 15 American military instructors raised eyebrows in Zagreb, drawing comparisons to the way American advisers first appeared in Vietnam or Central America.