The secretary suggested over the week end that Washington was poised to place American advisers with him, but the senior Pentagon officials said advisers were not accompanying Mr. Karzai, though he remained in close contact with American officials.
American advisers now accompany commando units as part of the vast effort to train and equip security forces to take over the fight against the insurgency and to maintain order.
If you do, your adviser can accompany you to all meetings held with us.
The Vulnerability Issue The Governor's senior military advisers accompanied him on the trip and dismissed assertions that Mr. Dukakis is "vulnerable on defense."
But on Wednesday, the Senate panel heeded veterans' groups and moved the starting date back to Feb. 28, 1961, when American military advisers first accompanied South Vietnamese troops on patrols.
The arrangement would largely insulate the NATO advisers from the battlefield, though officials said advisers might accompany Afghan brigades on major operations.
A professional adviser, friend or relative can accompany you to any meeting.
In February US military advisers had accompanied the Liberian troops in operations in Nimba, ostensibly to monitor the Army's behaviour.
An outside political adviser, Paul Begala, a familiar figure from the campaign, accompanied the President, and he used an airport speech to rally his supporters around the notion of shared sacrifice.
In that raid, and in several others since, American advisers accompanied Pakistani agents, though it is still unclear what agency the Americans were from and whether they were armed.