The teams role includes commissioning, managing and conducting high quality social research and policy evaluation, and advising staff across DfT.
In Slovenia a psychiatrist has been advising staff in refugee camps as to how to respond to the needs of traumatised children.
Copenhaver is currently teaching his own online course, while advising other faculty and staff about this new - and controversial - way to teach and learn.
We also advise staff to avoid visiting western fast food outlets, sports venues and events, live music venues and Christian religious services outside the diplomatic enclave.
To avoid any potential incidents we advise staff and visitors to avoid this road between 18:00 and 06:00 daily.
At Wester Hailes a small support group was set up in advance of the assessment to advise staff on what would be required of them.
The Chief Executive has advised staff that the post of Director of Highways will be filled as quickly as possible.
Please advise Members and parliamentary staff that conversations involving groups of people can be conducted outside.
Managers being transferred report feeling disempowered and "totally lost trying to advise staff regarding employment rights".
The CIO is tasked with advising the agency director and senior staff on all IT issues.