Additionally, the staff advises third-party sellers of travel such as travel agents, and tour operators.
Before brokers advise buyers and sellers about fine-tuning their bids and asking prices, they consult their computerized records or neighborhood grapevines for "comparables," the recent sales prices and current asking prices of roughly equivalent properties.
In the 1990's, the owners "overexpanded and diluted the product," said Sal Galatioto, a managing director at Lehman Brothers, who advises buyers and sellers of sports franchises.
Mr. Safire says I am "going along with the info industry's 'opt out' deception," which would require buyers to advise sellers how they want information about their buying habits used to market to them as consumers.
So today, agents are advising sellers to paint walls, refinish floors and put away the dishes.
The company's agents also advise sellers on how to sell their houses via telephone and the Internet.
Mr. Coplan said he advised sellers to factor in all the costs connected with the sale, immediately reducing the net proceeds.
Stephen Pennacchio, a tax partner at KPMG Peat Marwick in New York City, said he advised sellers not to overlook the cost of the improvements to the home they were selling.
Advising sellers now to price houses realistically, Mr. Meyers said: "The idea is to draw multiple bids, and ultimately, that's what will bring the best price.
He said he advises sellers who are in no rush to sell to price their houses at slightly more than market value and then be prepared to come down on the price.