Mr. Thorward advised retailers to stock up heavily on "Showgirls," which made only $20 million at the box office but is outrenting films that made $100 million.
"We're seeing pretty strong growth," said David Schehr, research director for GartnerG2, a technology consultant that advises electronic retailers, among others.
"In Japan, prices are not the major factor when you look at people's buying habits," said Mitsuhiko Oda, a business consultant who advises retailers here.
Wellchester ceased trading in August 2012, after store manager Claire Robertson left to set up her own consultancy business advising other retailers.
Although this was considered "heresy" at the time, Kalish advised retailers that was far wiser to keep capital available for the flow of new comics coming into stores.
"It's phenomenal the way these things are selling," said Rich Thorward, an industry consultant and publisher of The Monitor, a tipsheet that advises retailers on new releases.
ACS is advising retailers making claims to do so as quickly as possible and to contact their insurance providers immediately.
Mr. Siegel has, until now, advised high-end retailers like Ferragamo, Escada and Fortunoff.
IHL, a consulting group that advises retailers on new technology, has estimated that 95 percent of American supermarkets will have self-checkout to some degree by 2006.
Consumers will spend an estimated $18.48 billion on gift cards this season, up 7 percent over last year, according to BigResearch, which advises retailers.