Cupid advises his mother that the way to make Adonis love her more is to "use him very ill."
"The FBI advised my mother and me that if we wanted to pay a ransom, the government would not stand in our way."
All things considered, advise your mother to go to London.
He could remember an army chaplain coming to the door in 1968 and advising the detective's mother that her husband wouldn't be returning alive from Vietnam.
He advised my mother to look after her health, to eat well and keep warm.
I had even received a bearing once, at the age of five, for having advised my mother to cut a wart off her finger.
I'm going to advise your mother to sell.
So he wrote a careful letter, advising his mother as to the requirements for a missioner's wife in South Africa.
The syed's wife looked after him, and advised his mother to change his name because it seemed too heavy for him.
A top specialist had advised his mother to send him to a special school to be trained to mend shoes.