The firm advises large public and closely held companies as well as institutions and governments.
Since 1972, the firm has advised large, middle market as well as governmental institutions on buy-side & sell-side transactions and corporate alliances.
In addition, he has written eight books, numerous articles, presented at conferences and advised outside institutions on matters regarding accounting, finance and human development.
He will work in the firm's Washington office as partner responsible for a consulting practice advising financial institutions on Government regulatory policy.
These competitors are taking on old-line consultants that advise institutions on how to invest and with whom.
It advises national and multinational corporations, financial institutions and governments.
His company advises energy companies, governments, and financial institutions on world energy issues, with a specialization on the Middle East.
The Corporate Advisory group focuses on advising public and private companies, global institutions and investors.
I.S.S. says that it was the first to advise institutions on votes, offering broad research now covering 35,000 companies in 15 countries.
Buy-side is a term used in investment banking to refer to advising institutions concerned with buying investment services.