We advise against all but essential travel to low income areas of Nairobi, including all township or slum areas, which experience high crime levels.
Upon Faisal's arrival in 1921, Bell advised him in local questions, including matters involving tribal geography and local business.
Fund managers now have to disclose whether they also advise on other portfolios, including hedge funds.
J. P. Morgan also advised Enron on a series of acquisitions, including several in Brazil.
Be advised that there may be hostages, including Admiral Mangione and her team.
Tutors are full-time academic members of staff and advise girls on matters relating to their academic work and progress, including university advice and applications.
And I will be honest with you, many who advised me including not a few newspapers, favoured a regulatory crackdown.
We advise against all travel to Somalia, including Somaliland.
Advise: Give clear, specific, and personalized behavior change advice, including information about personal health harms and benefits.