He said he considered St. Thomas's "a lively and engaged congregation, and that he advised guests who had concerns that they have "a right to address policy.
It also advises guests that "All shud see the butiful after-glo on mountains to the east just befor sunset.
A sign taped to the mirror advised guests to use the bottled water in the minibar instead of drinking the tap water.
It was up to them to then advise guests if they asked what we wanted as wedding presents.
But hotel managers advised guests not to wend their way up the stairwells of the 52-story hotel, where the rooms would soon be dark and without air conditioning.
They advise young guests on attractions and give behind-the-scenes tours of the hotel, which has two outdoor pools and other recreational facilities.
THE invitation to Raf Simons's spring fashion show and 10-year retrospective in the Boboli Gardens June 24 advised guests not to wear high heels.
Advising guests on the island's dress code, the hotel announces that, "We applaud bikinis on our property".
"Take a weekend day a month and set yourself up," she advises guests.
Sara Gorfinkle, a corporate etiquette consultant, advises guests with severe allergies or health concerns to "warn the host in advance in the most delicate way possible."