More than 400 review companies advise insurers and employers on whether to authorize or deny payment for hospitalization, diagnostic tests and procedures ordered by doctors.
The case highlights, therefore, the difficulty of advising employers in such situations.
KKL have many years of experience in operating and advising employers on the Payroll Giving schemes.
They have many years' experience advising Scottish employers and charities on how to promote the scheme.
It was Government lawyers who wrote the guidelines, and it is private lawyers who have been advising employers on the implications ever since.
Such information needs to be made available, not just to patients and their doctors, but perhaps more importantly, to actuaries, insurers, and those advising employers.
Management consultants began advising employers how to create a union-free environment without much fear of serious costs or legal consequences.
Conciliation officers are very useful for advising employers of the tasks before them at a tribunal hearing.
Daycare Trust advises parents and carers, providers, employers, trade unions and policymakers on childcare issues.