Personally I think his taste is lamentable and reflects his interest in advertising imagery rather than anything profound but money talks so there you go.
The profusion of pro-Soviet advertising imagery causes one to wonder whether the Drixoral commercial will be lost in the clutter.
These disparate elements ad up to much more than an art book devoted to advertising imagery.
Most of the garments are festooned with advertising imagery, as camels and cowboys replace polo ponies and alligators.
She was appointed senior vice president of global creative directions of the brand in July, and has encouraged more approachable advertising imagery.
"If you look at a lot of art that's being done now, you'll see they're borrowing things from advertising imagery," he said.
Her own works are large photographic collages that usually mix advertising imagery with pointed epigrams on cultural customs.
This phase would continue to 1965, and included the use of advertising imagery suggesting consumerism and homemaking.
Stripped of brand identity, the blatant potency of advertising imagery is laid bare.
The artist was a pioneer of modern advertising imagery.