The company, however, faced financial problems: production costs for a local radio station were higher than expected, and advertising did not generate sufficient revenue.
George Burley of Tierra Verde, Fla., who won the look-alike contest in 1992, said the advertising had generated new interest in Hemingway's writing.
Mr. Allard of Microsoft said he believed that the targeted advertising and product placement possible with online gaming would also generate significant revenue.
The advertising generated a lot of publicity not just for the hotels, but for Mrs. Helmsley.
The advertising, created by Levine, Huntley, Schmidt & Beaver, generated much talk when it was introduced because it boldly avoided depicting either product or consumer.
An extensive advertising and marketing campaign generated significant hype during the months leading up to the film's release.
Online advertising and lead generation Datam generated 3.3 million qualified in their first four months.
The reality is that advertising generates $1-2 of profit per title sold.
Mr. Davey said advertising generates Star's revenues.
There is no cost for joining or browsing Friendster; advertising on the site generates most of the company's revenues.