Usually operated by two batteries, the cars can accommodate a third for extra energy, an act that, the advertisements warn, could expose the car to "excessive" speed and, possibly, a burned-out motor.
Some advertisements warn women about conditions like osteoporosis, which occur in postmenopausal women.
The advertisements warn that, if the plan goes forward, Shimon Peres and Labor will replace the far-right parties in the government, pulling Mr. Sharon to the left.
Another advertisement warns of the "risk" of electing Mr. Casey, "a lawyer for insurance companies."
On the other hand, another advertisement for cricket at Bourne warned spectatators to leave their dogs at home, otherwise they will be shot!
The advertisement warned of "the last remaining forests of Northern California."
The advertisements would have warned tourists to stay away because firefighters could not properly fight major fires.
The advertisements also warn parents not to shake their babies or have infants sleep with them in their beds.
One runaway advertisement even warned that the servant, Thomas Mason, had "his old indentures with him, with which 'tis supposed he will endeavour to pass."
The advertisements warn that "America's enemies understand that oil is the lifeblood of our economy," and strongly support higher fuel-economy standards for cars and an expansion of "alternative fuels."