Every day, advertisements tout, "Darling is feeling - Finest massage parlor and coffee shop."
Throughout the park's existence, advertisements touted White City as "the amusement park that satisfied."
Several years later, advertisements were touting Parker as 'the largest bona fide manufacturer of fountain pens in the world'.
Early advertisements touted an ideal neighborhood with the "3 requisite necessaries to modern home life."
The advertisements tout Mr. Bush's second-term economic agenda, his record on life-and-death issues of war and peace, and the value of experience in a President.
The new company's advertisements touted their ability to build launches, hydroplanes and cruisers up to 100'.
The 6th and 7th floors are entirely devoted to food, and advertisements tout the place as having two football fields of food.
The advertisement touted Mr. Berry's roots as a farmer and businessman.
Admittedly Sham Campaigns In the initial phase, at least, many such advertisements tout films or performances that have no realistic chance of obtaining a nomination.
Like New York's, the project will not include expensive advertisements or slick brochures touting the city.