The Hollywood trade papers have begun running advertisements sponsored by studios promoting films and actors viewed by executives as Oscar material.
The other would prohibit city officials from appearing in advertisements sponsored by the city in election years.
Lee A. Iacocca says in an advertisement sponsored by big business: "It's a no-brainer.
Meanwhile, crude advertisements sponsored by local anti-abortion groups began appearing in newspapers throughout the state.
He also defended the advertisements sponsored by the Republican House campaign committee.
He also appeared in an advertisement sponsored by Environmental Defense, in which he said, "Now it's time for Congress to act by capping greenhouse-gas pollution."
The advertisements, sponsored by Premier Home Health Care Services, are part of the elaborate maneuvering before the union, 1199/S.
In recent years, it wasn't unusual to see special replays or in-ring advertisements sponsored by certain games.
Chang has personally created an advertisement, sponsored by World Vision, to promote the company, World Vision Advertisement.
Most of the advertisements sponsored by the business groups say that trial lawyers have donated heavily to Mr. Clinton's campaign.