Moreover, the press secretary said, the rifle association's advertisement was "asking for him to come back in your face."
Would there have been a contract to supply a record if the advertisement had asked only for three wrappers and no money?
For example, an advertisement may ask the prospect to call a free phone number or click on a link to a website.
The advertisement asks, "Concerned about artificial colors in your dog's food?"
Trying to rescue the production, Myerberg took an advertisement asking for "7,000 intellectuals" to see the play.
An advertisement on asks prospective students whether they "struggle in relationships, as 'she' thinks you don't have a promising future?"
Below the photographs, the advertisement asks, "Who said it?"
Coke decided to address customers directly, printing an advertisement asking, "Is there anything safer for you to drink?"
In those days, all the tour guides were women, some having been drawn to the job by advertisements asking "lovelies" to apply.
It has run advertisements asking "Propulsid victims" to "fully explore" their legal rights by calling the firm.