With two seat open body the car was advertised at £165.
Another site, youwhores.com, was meant for anyone to advertise any kind of service at their own set price.
Even so, the current rate means that a hotel room advertised at $139 a night will cost almost $160.
First advertised at $78 billion, it may cost nearly twice that.
The cars were advertised at £575 but few appear to have reached customers.
Back in the October issue, most companies were advertising modules at between £18 and £22.
So next time you see a sign board advertising a new Wimpey development look at the name.
Then I advertised them at $500 a week and pocketed the difference.
Actually, he had no idea anyway, but it did not seem wise to advertise that at the moment.
The commercial advertised an exhibit at the contemporary art museum.