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They can be translated into English e.g. by using an appropriate adverbial clause.
The sentence also contains an adverbial clause, when your heart was about to burst.
To form adverbial clauses with the meaning "no matter where/who/etc."
Adverbial clauses may either come directly before or after the verb that they modify.
These short forms are also the only way to ask for an adverbial clause or for a proposition.
Notice that some of these words also introduce adjective and adverbial clauses.
The adverbial clause describes when the action of the main clause, I had only two things on my mind, took place.
In fact, extract (14) begins with an adverbial clause in initial position.
Also adverbials and adverbial clauses can be built with the comitative.
There are several different kinds of adverbial clauses.
Some of the interrogative words can also be used to introduce adverbial clauses:
Adverbial clause: It was because she was so lonely all the time that she decided to move out.
Below are some examples of adverbial clauses.
The dependent intonation is frequent in adverbial clauses of time such as:
Pronominal adverbs may be preceded by an adverbial clause.
A final clause in linguistics is a dependent adverbial clause expressing purpose.
In certain situations in a temporal adverbial clause, rather than the present progressive:
(The adverbial clause than I did modifies the adverb more.)
Adverbial clauses function like adverbs, modifying the verb or the sentence as a whole.
Adverbial clauses occur in focus position and never contain new mentions in core argument positions.
Adverbial clauses are divided into several groups according to the actions or senses of their conjunctions:
An adverbial clause is commonly, but not always, fronted by a subordinate conjunction-sometimes called a trigger word.
(The adverbial clause wherever she goes modifies the verb leaves.)
An adverbial clause begins with a conjunction, defining its relation to the verb or nominal phrase described.
Adverbial clauses is when the subordinate clause provides information about the time at which something happened, or the frequency with which it happens.