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If necessary, time reference can be indicated by means of various particles and adverbials.
Adverbials most often appear directly before the verb, but they may also act as subjects and object.
With the additional of adverbials, the imperfective can be used for events/actions in the past, present, or future.
Many types of adverbials (for instance reason and condition) are often expressed by clauses.
Particles serve many functions including noun phrase marking and acting as adverbials.
Kind of and sort of are adverbials.
Also adverbials and adverbial clauses can be built with the comitative.
Are there any unusual orderings (initial adverbials, fronting of object or complement, etc)?
Any argument or adjunct of a sentence can be made the head of a relative clause, even indirect objects and adverbials.
Adverbials are typically divided into four classes:
They function as nominals, adverbials, prepositions, and demonstratives.
Languages that do not have grammatical tense, such as Chinese, express time reference through adverbials, time phrases, and so on.
This is a marked structure, but it is not highly marked because adverbials are fairly mobile elements in English.
Adverbials may be:
Rather than by morphological marking, fixed temporal distance is expressed by temporal adverbials:
It may be that the general class of adverbials which can appear initially in a sentence could be taken as possible markers of 'topic-shift'.
Affixed adverbials include (Ferrell 1982:14):
(1972: ch. 8) provide lists of such adverbials in terms of adjuncts, conjuncts and disjuncts.
Adverbials (adverb, prepositional phrase, etc.)
Reduplication in Tiriyó affects verbs (regularly) and also nouns and adverbials (irregularly: not all of them).
Certain nouns, primarily those referring to geography, can also form a locative ending in -um in the singular and the resulting forms serve as adverbials.
If the adverbials in the above examples were not included in the clause, one would have to rely entirely on the context to establish the time of the event.
Highfall has a unique grammatical usage, primarily appearing with adjectives and adverbials along with most nouns derived from verbs.
In English, adverbials most commonly take the form of adverbs, adverb phrases, temporal noun phrases or prepositional phrases.
Is there anything significant about clause elements (eg frequency of objects, complements, adverbials; of transitive or intransitive verb constructions)?