This is both a shame and a marvellous excuse for the reasonably adventurous tourist to go exploring.
And this time I encounter an advance guard of adventurous tourists.
On Martinique, all but the most adventurous tourists will prefer dancing and drinking in their hotels.
The rock has long been used as a natural water slide for adventurous tourists and locals.
Selkirk lived for four years on the uninhabited archipelago, which has since drawn several hundred adventurous tourists a year.
Before the resort, there were a few adventurous tourists, hikers mostly.
The chef is known for his creativity, and, when given opportunity, will provide an adventurous tourist with a Mystery Toasty.
There is a new, big balloon in town, and it is ready to take the adventurous tourist for a ride.
For now, even the most adventurous tourists will have to delay any planned trips to Iraq.
This fort is a significant site for trekkers and adventurous tourists to visit.