Unlike books for advanced readers, chapter books contain plentiful illustrations.
"I'm not an advanced enough reader yet," she said.
Meanwhile, a group of advanced readers assembled to read from their readers.
The books go beyond the pre-kindergarten to sixth-grade curriculum to middle school level because the children, many from affluent, highly educated families, are advanced readers.
Although the article is fairly basic, I suspect that more advanced readers will also benefit from it.
With appeal for reluctant and advanced readers, this novel is a rare gem.
"I saw your name on so-and-so's advanced reader's copy," a bookseller will write me.
For advanced readers, the teacher focuses on the etymology of a word.
Since then, the class size has dropped to 24, as the students with limited English and the more advanced readers have moved into other classes.
Two activities do a good job challenging the more advanced reader.