Nowadays it can be used as a very advanced, yet basic digital calculator that uses beads on rows to represent numbers.
Students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades will receive more advanced calculators that can help them solve problems in arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry and algebra, officials said.
Wasn't he an advanced calculator with legs?
Around the twelve central studs were larger studs, probably for mathematical operations, assuming it was an advanced calculator.
Like its predecessor, Voyage 200 is an advanced calculator that supports plotting multiple functions on the same graph, parametric, polar, 3D, and differential equation graphing as well as sequence representations.
While recognising that there are educational advantages in using such machines, the board is anxious to prevent candidates with advanced calculators from having an unfair advantage over contemporaries with less sophisticated machines.
This more generalized definition is used by advanced calculators and mathematical software such as Maple or Mathematica.
Those in the sixth to the eighth grade got more advanced calculators to help solve not only arithmetic but also geometry, trigonometry and algebra problems.
HP-15C - advanced scientific calculator ($135 1982-89, $100-$180 2011).
Dr. Wahl had been computing all the satellite ephemerides by hand using a Friden Square Root Calculator, the most advanced mechanical calculator then available.