The advanced booking opened two days prior to the release.
Tim Winship, publisher of, said that advanced bookings suggest that planes, on average, should be close to 90 percent full this summer.
"We're ahead of advanced bookings for the same time last year," Ms. Lages said last month.
According to an index of advanced bookings, European hotel bookings for April were up nearly 34 per cent on the same month last year.
Admission was 600 for advanced booking, and 800 for purchasing tickets at the venue.
It also rents out equipment and can accommodate disabled divers with an advanced booking.
It told analysts yesterday that advanced bookings through December for both domestic and international travel were at higher levels than they were at this time last year.
"As we were looking out at our advanced bookings for summer, they were just slightly below where we hoped they would be."
Monty333 Because we didn't have a fixed schedule and the Machu Picchu trail needs so much advanced booking we only went to the site itself.
The guests of faculty members and students are also accommodated there with advanced booking as per availability.