The study also calls for improvements in communications among ground forces advancing together on a common target.
Bent over, they advanced all together, planting their feet in the burning sand.
We advanced to the corner together within the patch of light and turned to the right, directly facing its source.
Lincoln advocated equality of opportunity, arguing that individuals and society advanced together.
They looked quickly about them, as though studying a potential battlefield, and then advanced together on the Magus.
A new paradigm that sees economic growth, social justice and environmental care advancing together can become the common sense of our age.
Outside the camp the two other men-at-arms were waiting for them, and the four advanced together.
"The middle class may be angry, but they have not lost the dream that all Americans can advance together."
We are also advancing together on building not only a cleaner world, but a safer one.
According to the analysis, the aim is to substitute a legal instrument for political will in order to advance together towards more integration.