Punching fighters hold themselves in a boxing stance, one hand and one foot slightly advanced.
The number of Big Board issues advancing slightly trailed those declining, 719 to 746.
Wheat futures advanced slightly, while corn prices were mixed.
She fell into the stance he'd showed her, right leg slightly advanced, left hand open and that forearm at an angle across her chest.
Moose advanced to a spot slightly to the left of the mechanical panel.
He stepped into the centre of the gateway, holding his pike slightly advanced.
He could see Stengel moving rather quickly toward where the foreman lounged with one foot advanced slightly in front of the other.
Prices of crude oil and petroleum products advanced slightly in dull trading yesterday.
Corn and wheat futures prices advanced slightly on rumors of possible export business, analysts said.
Oat prices rose by the daily limit, but most other grain futures advanced only slightly.