They primarily argue that recent advances in technology have significantly reduced the previously high transaction costs of toll collection.
Some technological advances in the last few years have dramatically reduced the cost of producing gold.
But every advance in industry and agriculture reduces the number of work-people required.
The advance of hydraulic relief systems has greatly reduced downtime and improved the life of these machines.
Throughout history, technological advances have reduced the costs of transport and communication across these natural borders.
Its most common problem is a visible "screen door" or pixelation effect, although recent advances have reduced the severity of this effect.
However, recent advances such as so-called gap-filling methods can reduce the required time to weeks or months.
However, technological advances had reduced the number of skilled workers in both industries.
The original budget for the map was $150 million, he said, but new advances have reduced the expected cost by two-thirds.
Medical advances have increased the need for blood products and reduced the number of eligible donors.