Bg5 Rc5, but even then the advance of the g-pawn does not promise White much: 14.
Empress Dowager Hu, under advice from Xu, tried to alienate Erzhu's generals from him by awarding them "iron certificates" (鐵券, tie quan, advance promises to pardon death-eligible crimes), and when Erzhu realized this, he became increasingly resentful of Empress Dowager Hu.
Huynh's advances also promise to improve the safety of workers, such as miners and military personnel, who are chronically exposed to energetic materials.
He was an unknown, his book was orphaned when his editor left the publishing house and his meager $7,500 advance didn't promise great commitment from the publisher.
Recent advances in the application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as an in vivo tag of specific chromosomal regions promises to revolutionize our ability to observe chromatin-based processes in near real-time [ 13].
Although these advances promise to streamline federal operations and improve the delivery of federal services, they also expose these activities to greater risks.
Ultimately, they added, the advance also promises to aid diagnosis and treatment of the disease, which can be fatal if untreated.
The advance promises to deepen the analysis, teasing out subtle differences among Ames samples.
The advance of information technology promises to measure educational achievement at reduced cost.
Happily, new advances in modem technology promise a significant increase in the bandwidth available to typical Internet users next year, at least in theory.